
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth." 3 John 1:4
History of
Release Time Bible Education
Why SOS?
"Educators for 2300 years ago, from Cicero to Martin Luther King Jr., believed that instruction in character and virtue was the most vital part of education. It was of utmost importance to create a society that was loving, compassionate, civil and self-disciplined. Without this foundation of character, having intelligent people is of limited value." (Meta Analysis on the Relationship Between Character Education and Student Achievement and Behavioral Outcomes.)
Our purpose is to implement the1952 Ruling of the Supreme Court and the 2019 Tennessee Public Law 49-2-130, allowing every public school student to learn Biblical character, provided the following:
1.) Parental permission
2.) Off public school property
3.) Privately funded
Students involved in character development programs reveal that students have improved
behavioral, social, emotional and academic performance outcomes, both at school and home.
In a nutshell, SOS! For the Students....
-gives students a solid foundation in character development
-does not take students away from any core curriculum
(It is treated as an elective course.)
-requires no additional time from the classroom teacher
-gives students a solid foundation in character development
-gives students positive peer groups
-gives additional positive adult interactions
-charges no tuition
SOS! For the Students is a foundation that consists of people who earnestly desire to answer the quiet cry of students who are feeling lost, alone and hopeless.
Join us now to be a part of the change that will affect our communities today and in the generations to come.
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Beginning of Released Time Bible Education:
​Released Time Bible Education was first proposed at a teachers’ conference in New York in 1905. The proposal was to allow public schools to be closed one day a week so that parents could have the option of sending their children to religious instruction outside the school building. Nearly a decade later, in 1914, William Wirt, the superintendent of Gary Schools in Indiana, implemented a released-time program. He did so because of his concern that children were not receiving enough religious and moral instruction in public school. His program consisted of local clergymen holding classes within the school for those students wanting to attend. The program grew and inspired similar programs to begin throughout the United States under the names of released time, weekday religious education, and dismissed time.
Though most histories cite Wirt’s released-time program as being the first, documentation reminds us that a released-time program had already been running in Utah since 1912. This program was started by Joseph F. Merrill. In establishing the program, Merrill petitioned the superintendent of Granite School District and the principal of Granite High School to allow students to be excused from school for one hour each day, with parental permission, to attend religious instruction in a building that would be constructed by the ward across the street from the school. Both the superintendent and the principal had no objections. The Granite school board and state board also approved the program. Since their humble beginnings in Utah and Indiana, released-time programs have grown tremendously to the present day.