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Red Head Child

"Start children off on the way they

should go, and even when they are

old they will not turn from it."   Proverbs 22:6   


Sign Up Your Child for
Released Time Bible Education

January 2024, SOS! For The Students will be opening a released time Bible class at

H. B. Williams Elementary in White House, TN for all third grade students. The students

will be released from school during their lunch and recess time for one hour of

lunch and Bible character class time. 

Signing up your child is a two step process:

1. Please complete the online form below to register your child with SOS! For The Students.


2. Click on the following PDF and print a copy of the SOS! Parental Release Form. Complete the form and sign it. Have your child turn it in to their teacher or you can turn it in to the front office of your school. *

*The school MUST have a signed SOS! Parental Release Form

on file to release your child to SOS! For The Students.

Step 1. Complete the following SOS! Registration Form

SOS! For The Students Registration Form

Student Information:

School Information:

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

First Parent Name

Second Parent Name

Medical Information:

250 Characters 


250 Characters 

Parent/Guardian Consent:

1. I give permission for my child to participate in the SOS! For The Students Program in his/her school. I hereby request my child (named on the form above) to be excused from his/her public school class each week for Biblical character instruction in the SOS! For The Students Program.

2. I understand my child will be walked or transported to the place of instruction by the SOS! For The Students team.

3. SOS! For The Students' volunteer staff will serve in loco parentis (in place of a parent) for me to confirm to my child's attendance at the SOS! For The Students Program.

4. I understand that my child may be removed at any point from SOS! For The Students upon written notice from the parent/guardian and likewise SOS! For The Students has the right to remove any student from the program for disciplinary issues.

5. SOS! For The Students will in no way be responsible for medical treatment or liability resulting from physical conditions existing prior to my child attending the SOS! For The Students' Program.

6. I give permission to SOS! For The Students to act on my behalf in my child's best interest in the event of an accident or emergency. I give my permission to the hospital and/or doctor to treat or operate on my child in the event that I cannot be reached.

Thank you for registering your child with

SOS! For The Students! Please complete step 2 to complete your application for your child to attend Released Time Bible Education.


Step 2. 

Click on the following PDF and print a copy of the SOS! Parental Release Form. Complete the form and sign it. Have your child turn it in to their teacher or you can turn it in to the front office of your school. *





*The school MUST have a signed SOS! Parental Release Form

on file to release your child to SOS! For The Students.


Complete the form to notify your school district of your support.

SOS! For The Students logo


Please contact us if you have any questions
or you want to answer the distress call of
students by becoming a SOS! Partner.

U. S. Mail:    SOS! For The Students
                        P.O. Box 412
                       White House, TN   37188

© 2025 SOS! For The Students

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